The Fountain of Youth to Living a Happy and Healthy Life Past 80

The Fountain of Youth to Living a Happy and Healthy Life Past 80

Kim -

19. Exercise your brain more through storytelling in your conversations.

By telling stories, you may also ensure that your brain is always functioning at its best. Did you know that humans use stories to make sense of the world? The brain gets great exercise when we take the time to tell someone a tale because we have to employ imagination and memory to recount an event that has happened. That links into our earlier statement about spending time with family and friends since social interaction is crucial for our health as we age.

Try this practice the next time you're talking on the phone or seeing someone in person. Finding a means to expand the tale via your use of language and even storytelling tactics like dramatic pauses can help you avoid going the "straight" route when it comes to conveying a story, just presenting the facts and nothing more! Both parties will find it to be a lot more pleasurable, plus you'll have given them a fascinating tale to tell someone else! That is such a wonderful strategy to maintain mental acuity and improve interpersonal interactions.