The Fountain of Youth to Living a Happy and Healthy Life Past 80
18. Don't let your brain and body fall into a routine; wake it up with some curiosity as you age!
We're here to remind you that there is still work to be done, just when you thought your brain had done enough! You must make every effort to prevent your brain from being bored, which is really challenging because one method to prevent this is to avoid having too regular of a schedule. Most of us have been enmeshed in a pattern of behavior that dominates our days. Due to the epidemic and the regulations around it, this is particularly true. When we grow too accustomed to something, our brain tends to become automatic and tune it out.

We must make room in our lives for the inquiry! That is such a wonderful approach to preventing mental boredom. Make sure you're doing your best to stay interested in the world around you, and you may also alter your routine a little bit. There may not be much you can do right now, but you can always try something new, like a new hobby! We can constantly learn something new, which keeps our brains healthy as we age. It serves no purpose to have a healthy body as we age if the brain doesn't follow.